Does fandom ruin sports?

The title of this article may sound absolutely ridiculous, and in the overall grand scheme of things, it is. However, this year more than ever before I have come to the realization that there is an argument that can be made. The argument is very simple and easy to comprehend. I’m not stepping on new soil over here, I’m just stating the obvious.

For the purpose of this article, I’m going to talk about the two main sports being played right now. Baseball and Football. Yes, I know the NBA is being played, but the season doesn’t really start until January.

The Dodgers and Red Sox will be facing one another in the 2018 World Series. The clash of the coasts, if you will. These two franchises have deep roots in America’s favorite pastime. These fan bases hate each other. LA and Boston will always have a rivalry unlike any other. Now, I’m looking forward to this series, because I genuinely do not care who wins. I want to see walk-off homers and maybe a few scuffles as I kick back on the couch and crack open a few cold ones. My heart is content and I will be happy with whatever.

This Saturday, the Tennessee Vols will be playing at South Carolina underneath the lights. As a die-hard Tennessee fan, I’m not going to have a very enjoyable Saturday. College football from sun up to sun down in the fall is my personal favorite part of sports as a whole. This Saturday, I will be sitting at a resting heart rate of roughly 100 from the moment I wake up until the moment I fall asleep that night from exhaustion. Anything I do that day will be a mere distraction and a way to pass time so that I can get to 6:30 pm central time and get the thing over with. If Tennessee loses, I’ll be pretty frustrated and that frustration will most likely carry over into the next week as I sit Monday-Friday thinking about the next game or what we could’ve done differently.

I’ve given you two scenarios. Which one sounds more enjoyable? I understand that if Tennessee wins, the high from that will exceed the other experience. That’s definitely true…but at what cost? I just wasted an entire Saturday being mentally triggered about anything that might happen. Ok, so let’s say we do pull off the upset on Saturday. The 30 minutes after the game will be fantastic, but then the idea that we could win the rest of our games creeps in my head and here we are right where we started.

I understand that not all fans are like that, but a lot are. Some cities economic growth is dependent on their sports teams success. That’s crazy! We’re all crazy. Sports are meant to be a deterrent from reality. But people like me have turned reality into a deterrent from sports.

For those wondering, yes I am working on it. I have progressed in my thoughts somewhat…but at the same time all it takes is for my team to win a big game, and I’m reeled all the way back in.

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