
Are you kidding me? [Insert Michael Scott screaming “nooooo!” Gif]

Duke, cmon. America does not want this. I don’t know what is going to happen if the Warriors, Bama, Patriots, and Duke all win a championship in the same year. Other than those fan bases and a few bandwagon fans, it’s not going to go over well.

Duke played No.2 Kentucky on tuesday night. I was excited to watch some good college basketball. What followed tip-off was not good college basketball. If there are Kentucky fans leaving at halftime of a Duke game, something has gone horribly wrong.

Zion Williamson is everything and more. He’s a stout 6’7”, 280+lbs. His first made basket in his college basketball career was…a three-pointer. When he pulled up from outside and drained it like that was normal for an 18-year-old of that size, I was immediately triggered. I’m sure Coach Cal was as well.

Kentucky trotted out what looked to be a pretty good Kentucky team. Number 2 recruiting class in the nation. Young, but super talented, and likely to play pretty well come late March. I’m not saying that won’t happen. What I’m saying is that team got beat by Duke 118-84…

Duke looked like they were priming up to make a run at the title against the Golden State Warriors. Coach K was just clapping the entire time with a smirk on his face like this is what he has been waiting to unveil all these years of coaching. No way the kids aren’t in their mid-twenties. Zion looks like he’s 35 with a mortgage and 3 kids…he also looks like he spends 23/24 hours a day in a gym make sure he maintains his 5% body fat.

I’m sure this is an overreaction. I pray it is. I really don’t feel like watching Duke be the Bama of college basketball, where if you lose by less than 30, you count it as a win.


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