Who Will Win the League?

[image from: Daily Express]


My heart wants to say Liverpool. My head is saying Manchester City.

Right now, with two games left to play for both teams, City is up by one point. They each have one of their two games remaining that could cause them to drop points. City has to play Leicester and Liverpool has to play Wolves. Of the two, Wolves is probably the easier matchup. But City is the better team, at least on paper.

I think both teams will win out. They’re each on a slight winning streak right now and playing top-notch football. City has the experience to keep a cool head down the stretch. Liverpool has that hungry energy that makes them dangerous to play.

Liverpool is still in the Champions League and that could be what kills it for them. They lost 3-0 to Barcelona yesterday, despite being the better team for parts of that game, but they still have another leg to play. They will play the second leg three days after playing Newcastle. And, lads, its Newcastle. There is the potential to not take that game seriously. It should be a very easy win for Liverpool. But could they slip up if they are distracted by Champions League thoughts? I don’t think they will, but it’s a possibility.

Also, because of that champions league game, they have an extra game to play between now and the last day of the season, 5/12. City only has the two league games left. That is all they have to worry about, that is all that they are focusing on winning right now. Liverpool has far more stress and one more game.

Realistically, I can see both teams winning out. Which would give it to City.

Either way, we finally have a real title race. It’s exciting for the first time in a while. Both teams play their last games on May 12th at the same time. It’s going to be an exciting couple of hours.

I can’t wait.

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