It’s All Coming Up England, Baby

England is trying to reassert itself as the top soccer football country in the world. Both of the teams in the Europa League Final are English (Arsenal vs Chelsea) and both teams in the Champions League Final are English (Tottenham vs Liverpool).

I’m torn on whether or not I like the fact that all of the teams are from the same league. To me, the fun of these European leagues is that you get to see teams that are the best in their countries play teams they never play. It makes it exciting. Instead, we see two teams that play each other several times a year. It’s just not as exciting. But on the other hand, these two teams play each other all the time. So they know each other. There is a history between them and they have a much better understanding of how the other team plays. They won’t have to figure each other out, because they already know each other. That could make the game more fast-paced and interesting from the start.

Champions League Final

Of the two games, I’m expecting this one to be the most boring. In theory, Liverpool should steamroll Tottenham. Liverpool is the better side and they were playing phenomenally at the end of the season. They should have no problems with Tottenham.

But, then again, Man City should have steamrolled Tottenham in the Quarterfinals and somehow Tottenham survived (“Survive” is a far better name for it than “won”. Tottenham didn’t win. We’ll get to that in a second). If Tottenham is playing their best, they could make it an interesting game. In the end, I think Liverpool is always going to win this one.

Tottenham has struggled at the end of the season. Since February 23rd (only looking at League games), Tottenham has only won 3. They lost 7 and drew twice. During that run, the only teams they beat were Huddersfield, Crystal Palace, and Brighton. Not exactly giants of English football. They lost to the likes of Southampton, Burnley and West Ham, too. In that same time frame, Liverpool won 10 games, drew twice and didn’t lose a game. Also, during that time period, Liverpool beat Barcelona to get to the Final. Ajax is a good team, but they’re no Barcelona and Tottenham couldn’t even beat them. During that 12 game time period, Liverpool beat Tottenham. I know its all about how you play in that one game and not how you’ve played in the months leading up to it, but I think this goes to show that Liverpool are the better team playing the better football right now.

Tottenham doesn’t even deserve to be in the Final. I’ve been a vocal hater of the away-goals rule. I think it’s completely stupid. Tottenham has gotten through on away goals TWICE. So what that means to me is that they weren’t better than Man City, because after two games they were tied, and they weren’t better than Ajax, because after two games they were tied. The two legs format is designed to ensure the best team makes it through. You cannot say that happened in the past two legs for Tottenham, because they were tied. They didn’t win.

Liverpool is the better team that actually earned their spot. They should win and I hope they do. I’m picking Liverpool to win 2-0.

Europa League Final

This game is far more interesting. Both because I’m an Arsenal fan and also because I have 0 idea who should or will win this. Neither team is playing their best right now. Neither team is looking dominant. They are both once great powerhouses currently on downswings.

Arsenal has a super high powered offense. The combo of Lacazette and Aubameyang can score almost at will. If Ozil shows up, he could tear apart the Chelsea midfield. I don’t know what Arsenal is going to do out wide without Mhikitarian. Arsenal’s defense has been laughable for most of this season and that could be their undoing. Sometimes it would be better if they just didn’t have a defense out there. Mustafi is one of the worst players I’ve seen Arsenal have in many years. If Torreria shows up and is able to keep Hazard in check, Arsenal could have a shot. If it falls to the central defenders to contain Hazard, Arsenal is screwed. And Arsenal away is as good as a guaranteed loss. But both teams will be playing “away” so that could change things a bit.

I will admit that I haven’t watched much of Chelsea this year. I don’t really know what their strengths and weaknesses are. A better blogger than me would research them right now. Hazard is really the only superstar on that team, but he’s leaving in the summer so maybe this game won’t mean as much to him. Higuain has been awful this season. Chelsea is a club in shambles at the moment. With a transfer ban looming over their heads, their best players flocking to Spain, and a coach who has completely lost the dressing room it’s hard to see them bouncing back for a few years.

Both of these teams have a lot to work on. They’re both in the early stages of rebuilding. This game could go either way and I’m excited about it.

I’m going to go out on a limb and pick Arsenal to win this 3-2.

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