My Wife Knows No Sports. Can She Name the NFL Teams?

My wife doesn’t follow sports. I’ve taught her to appreciate soccer and that’s as far as I’ve gotten. The only things she knows, she’s learned via osmosis. So I thought it’d be fun to see if she knew the different NFL teams.

I gave her the city/state and she had to give me the team name. She knew far more than I thought, but the rest…well…

Here’s the NFL, according to my wife.

Arizona Cardinals
Atlanta Braves
Baltimore Ravens
Buffalo Buffalos
Carolina Panthers?
Chicago Bears
Cincinnati Bulldogs
Cleveland Cavs
Dallas Broncos
Denver Broncos
Detroit Pistols
Green Bay Packers
Houston Alligators
Indianapolis Colts
Jacksonville Tigers
Kansas City Tomahawks
Miami Dolphins
Minnesota Red Bulls
New England Patriots
New Orleans Sparkles
New York Stars
New York [Pass]
Oakland Warriors
Philly Eagles
Pittsburgh Steelers
Los Angeles Rams
San Diego Fish
San Francisco Bridges
Seattle Nope
Tampa Bay Rays
Tennessee Titans
Washington Redskins
Some of these surprised me. The fact that she knew the Tampa Bay Rays were a thing was interesting. We are not a baseball household to say the least. I don’t know how she knew the Ravens or the Dolphins. The fact that she knew that Red Bulls was an actual team name shocked me, doesn’t really matter that it’s the wrong sport.
My favorites have got to be the New Orleans Sparkles (because she’s not wrong) and the San Diego Fish.
We’re gonna have to do the NBA next.

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