
We’re just two guys who like sports. That’s pretty much it. It really is that simple. We’re not sports journalist, we’re not former professional athletes, we’re pretty far from any sort of professional writing career. We’re just sports guys. That’s all there is to it.

Do our opinions need to be heard? Almost definitely not. Will that stop us from sharing them anyway? Of course not. Because we’re sports guys. Sharing our hot takes and questionable opinions is what we do. Getting mad at us for those opinions is what you do. We expect that. We welcome that. In fact, we’d love to hear your questionable opinions as well. Drop us a line on the contact page and we’ll get back to you about being a guest writer so you can share your horrible hot takes about your favorite team.

This blog was started by two guys who have been best friends since they were 5. We started it to share our opinions with each other. Even though we have grown up together, we often have extremely different opinions about sports. This is where we go to hash it out. Feel free to join the discussion.