The Final Four have been announced

Selection Sunday was yesterday and the teams were announced. It was relatively predictable, however, there was still much debate.  I will be talking about the selection committees method for selection at the end of the article but for now, I’m just referring to the top 4. Number 1: Bama. Easy number one. I picked them to win the National championship with ease, and so did … Continue reading The Final Four have been announced

The best time of the year starts now.

Congratulations everyone. It’s November 1, 2018, and we are officially entering into the season of joy. A season where dreams come true. Where songs are heard all across the land. A season where loved ones reunite and share moments they’ll never forget. A season that spills with laughter and sometimes even crying. A season that most look to every single year with a smile on … Continue reading The best time of the year starts now.

Does fandom ruin sports?

The title of this article may sound absolutely ridiculous, and in the overall grand scheme of things, it is. However, this year more than ever before I have come to the realization that there is an argument that can be made. The argument is very simple and easy to comprehend. I’m not stepping on new soil over here, I’m just stating the obvious. For the … Continue reading Does fandom ruin sports?